Ingredient Bathing Systems can control over 200 ingredients including multiple dry powders and additions, batch weighing and vacuum conveying.
At Ingredient Batching Systems we have designed, installed and commissioned a multiple dry powder, flake and various additions system.
This includes bulk flour from 30Te silos; flake and kibble; exclusive IBS big bag “POD” handling systems for the Minor additions; and sack tip handling for the Micro additions. This system is specially designed to assemble ingredients from nine separate sources i.e. 2 x 30Te bulk flour silos; 1 x flake silo; 1 x kibble silo; 4 x FIBC big bag dischargers and 1 x sack tip.
The system individually batch weighs and assembles multiple ingredients, it then vacuum conveys them through 7Te/hour pneumatic transfer lines, into a 2,000 litre capacity receiving vessel mounted above a new ribbon mixer. The system assembles seven 2,000 litre batches/hour made up from any of over 200 different ingredient formulations, controlled by the Ingredient Batching Systems recipe management system.
The client manufacture their own flakes and kibble on site in a separate production facility some 150 metres from the new mixing and packing facility. The Ingredient batching Systems solution collects flakes and kibble into separate conveying lines, transferring them to new internal and flexible 10Te capacity silos, located in the new mixing area. Below each silo is a weigh hopper, used to pre-weigh each batch ready for transfer. Screw feeders on the silo outlets deliver kibble or flake to the weigh hopper. These are speed controlled to achieve an accurate weighed addition on demand of our recipe management system. The pre-weighed batches are vacuum conveyed to the mixer receiving vessel.
The FIBC big bag handling system comprises four “PODS”. This innovative system is exclusive to Ingredient Batching Systems, each “POD” is an individual big bag discharger and batch weighing assembly, delivering a weighed quantity directly into the vacuum conveying line simultaneously. This highly accurate and very rapid enabling total recipes to be assembled much quicker than other similar systems.
Each big bag “POD” is provided with a “flo-choke” to tie off part-used bags, so that ingredients can be changed over quickly. All conveying lines are completed with in-line continuous sieve-screening to suit the current leading supermarket specifications and easy-clean magnets.